J.Buls. Periodicity of Bi-ideals. http://www.aaa71.uz.zgora.pl/Read more
Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Random Variables
A.Lorencs. Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Random Variables. – (Pilns teksts pieņemts publicēšanai in Proceedings of 9th International Vilnius Conference on … Read more
Gamming of redundant codes
V.O.Vasyukevich. Gamming of redundant codes // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2006. Nr.1. pp.1-8.Read more
Iterative Spectrum Analysis of Nonuniformly Undersampled Wideband Signals
I. Bilinskis, A. Rybakov. Iterative Spectrum Analysis of Nonuniformly Undersampled Wideband Signals. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2006, Nr. 4(68), p. 5-8.Read more
Enhanced Digital Signal Prcessing of Signal-dependently Sampled Data
M. Greitans, I.Homjakovs “Enhanced Digital Signal Prcessing of Signal-dependently Sampled Data”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering” - Kaunas: Technologija, Vol. 68, No. 4, 2006, pp.9-14.Read more
Energy Consumption Optimization in Hard Real-Time System CMOS Processors
A. Baums. Energy Consumption Optimization in Hard Real-Time System CMOS Processors,// Electronica ir Electrotechnica, N4 (68), 2006., Kaunas Technologia 2006, pp.19-23Read more
Statistical Approach to Linearity Evaluation of High-precision Event Timers
Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole. Statistical Approach to Linearity Evaluation of High-precision Event Timers. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2006, Nr. 4(68), p. 73-76.Read more
Classification of Infinite Words
J.Buls. Classification of Infinite Words. 6. Latvijas matemātikas biedrības konference. Tēzes, Liepāja, 7.-8.aprīlis 2006, 16.lapp.Read more
Digital Synchronous Demodulator for Measurement of Complex Amplitude Deviation
Yu. Artyukh, E. Boole, V. Vedin. Digital Synchronous Demodulator for Measurement of Complex Amplitude Deviation. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2006, Nr. 5(69), p. 29-32.Read more
Управление базовым смещением
В. Беспалько. Управление базовым смещением. «Схемотехника», №5, 2006, с.17Read more