A.Lorencs. Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Random Variables. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (2007) 97: 69-78; DOI 10.11007/s10440-007-9137-7.Read more
A2 Парадокс в статистической обработке сигналов
К. Круминьш, А. Лоренц, В. Плоциньш. A2 Парадокс в статистической обработке сигналов. Автоматика и вычислительная техника. 2007. - No.1. С. 3-14. Путём моделирования и аналитических расчётов исследуется статистический метод обнаружения и преобразования слабых сигналов сверхшироко-полосной радиолокации в режиме малого количества выборок. Обнаруженный и доказанный феномен обработки сигналов назван А2 парадоксом.Read more
A method to increase the number of users of a mobile telecommunications networks
O.Denisieva, A.Gobzemis. A method to increase the number of users of a mobile telecommunications networks. Rīgas Tehniskas koledžas zinātniskie raksti. – R., RTU, 2007, lpp. 8-11.Read more
Имитационная модель алгоритмов буферизации VoIP трафика
М.Бройтман, С.Матанцев, О.Черевко, И.Щербаков. Имитационная модель алгоритмов буферизации VoIP трафика. „RESEARCH and TECHNOLOGY-STEP into the FUTURE”, 11 konference, Rīga, Transporta un sakaru institūts, 2007, Vol.2, No.1, p.22 (ISSN 1691-2853, ISSN 1691-2861).Read more
Optimal recourse utilization of a mobile telecommunications networks
N.Bogomolova, O.Denisieva, A.Gobzemis. Optimal recourse utilization of a mobile telecommunications networks. Proc. of the International Conference ”Mathematical methods for increasing efficiency of information networks”, Grodno, Belarus, 2007, pp. 19-24.Read more
Using mini-max method for real-time systems energy optimizatio
A.Baums. Using mini-max method for real-time systems energy optimization. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Tecchnical College, 2007 pp.12-17Read more
A2 Paradox in Statistical Processing of Weak Signals
K.Kruminsh, A.Lorencs, V.Plocinsh. A2 Paradox in Statistical Processing of Weak Signals. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (English Translation of Avtomatika i Vichislitel'naja Tekhnika), Allerton Press, Inc., Vol.41, Number 1, Jan-Feb 2007, 1-9Read more
Signal Reconstruction from Multiple Level Crossings Using Asymmetric Constructing Functions. Electronics and Electrical Engineering
R.Shavelis. Signal Reconstruction from Multiple Level Crossings Using Asymmetric Constructing Functions. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. – Kaunas: Technologija, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp. 57-60, April 2007.Read more
Data acquisition from nonuniform arrays based on sine-wave crossings
I.Bilinskis, M.Min, A.Rybakov. Data acquisition from nonuniform arrays based on sine-wave crossings. Proceedings of the “2007 Workshop on Digital Alias-free Signal Processing” (WDASP’07), 17 April 2007, London, UK, pp. 8-13.Read more
Processing of signals sampled at sine-wave crossing instants
I.Bilinskis, K.Sudars. Processing of signals sampled at sine-wave crossing instants. Proceedings of the “2007 Workshop on Digital Alias-free Signal Processing” (WDASP’07), 17 April 2007, London, UK, pp. 45-50.Read more