M.Greitans and R.Shavelis. Signal-Dependent Analysis of Signals Sampled By Send-on-Delta Sampling Scheme, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications SIGMAP 2008, Jul. 2008, Porto, Portugal, pp. 125-130.Read more
RF-based node system for blind navigation in running activities
A.Skripko, P.Skripko. A.Gailitis, L.Selavo. RF-based node system for blind navigation in running activities. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES'2008), Krakov, Poland, September 17, 2008.Read more
“Three-phase” Representation of Harmonic Signals for Application to Non-contact Diagnostics of Electric Power Transmission Lines
M.Greitans, E.Hermanis. “Three-phase” Representation of Harmonic Signals for Application to Non-contact Diagnostics of Electric Power Transmission Lines. Proceedings of the International Symposium ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, September 10-12, 2008, pp. 427-430.Read more
Статистический метод регистрации зашумленных сигналов с улучшенными характеристиками
В.Карклиньш. Статистический метод регистрации зашумленных сигналов с улучшенными характеристиками. Автоматика и вычислительная техника, №5, 2008, с.68-75. Исследована модификация статистического метода регистрации сильно зашумленных сигналов с лучшим отношением сигнал/шум, с увеличенным динамическим диапазоном и быстродействием.Read more
Why can we detect the chaos? Rare Attractors and Rare Phenomena in Nonlinear Dynamics
I.Bula, J.Buls, I.Rumbeniece. Why can we detect the chaos? Rare Attractors and Rare Phenomena in Nonlinear Dynamics. Materials of the … Read more
Level-crossing sampling using microprocessor based system
A.Baums, U.Grunde, M.Greitans. Level-crossing sampling using microprocessor based system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES’08, Krakow, Poland, Sep. 2008, pp.19-22.Read more
Object detection in grayscale images based on covariance features
I.Mednieks. Object detection in grayscale images based on covariance features. Proceedings of ICSES 2008, Krakow, September 2008, pp. 205-209Read more
Implementation of Finite State Machines on the Basis of an Embedded Memory Block
V.Chapenko, K.Boule. Implementation of Finite State Machines on the Basis of an Embedded Memory Block. Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS’08), Lviv, Ukraine, October 9-12, 2008, pp. 414-417.Read more
A.Lorencs. Klasteranalīze. LU Matemātikas nodaļa. Lekciju konspekts, 2008.g., 106 lpp. Izstrādāts Eiropas Sociālā Fonda līdzfinansētā projekta Nr. 2006/0234/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ “Matemātiķa – statistiķa studiju programmas modernizēšana Latvijas Universitātē” ietvaros.Read more
Digital Alias-free Signal Processin
I. Bilinskis. Digital Alias-free Signal Processing. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (UK), 2007, 430 p.Read more