M.Greitans, R.Shavelis „Signal-Dependent Sampling and Reconstruction Method of Signals With Time-Varying Bandwidth”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications SAMPTA 2009, Marseille, France, May, 2009. Published on CD.Read more
Advanced Design of DSP-based High Precision Event Timer
V.Vedin. “Advanced Design of DSP-based High Precision Event Timer”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”, Kaunas: Technologija,, 2009, No.6(94), pp.35-38.Read more
Statistical Method of Signal – Noise Ratio Maximization
V.Plociņš. “Statistical Method of Signal – Noise Ratio Maximization”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering” - Kaunas: Technologija, 2009, No.6(94), pp. 3-8.Read more
Sensor Based Diagnosis of Three-Phase Power Transmission Lines
M. Greitans, E. Hermanis, A. Selivanovs “Sensor Based Diagnosis of Three-Phase Power Transmission Lines”. „Electronics and Electrical Engineering”- Kaunas: Technologija, 2009.g. No. 6 (94), pp.23-26.Read more
Mobilo robotu veidošanas tehniskie aspekti un attīstības vēsture
A.Baums, A. Gordjušins, A. Kazuša "Mobilo robotu veidošanas tehniskie aspekti un attīstības vēsture" „Rīgas tehniskā koledža Zinātniskie raksti”, 7.sējums –Rīga, RTU, 7.sēj., 2009, lpp. 32-42.Read more
Signal-Dependent Techniques for Non-Stationary Signal Sampling and Reconstruction
M.Greitans, R.Shavelis, “Signal-Dependent Techniques for Non-Stationary Signal Sampling and Reconstruction”, 17th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2009. Glasgow, Scotland. Aug., 2009., pp. 2613-2617.Read more
Adaptive Level-Crossing Sampling Based DSP Systems
A.Baums, M. Greitans, U. Grunde. ”Adaptive Level-Crossing Sampling Based DSP Systems” „Electronics and Electrical Engineering”- Kaunas: Technologija, 2009.g. No. 8(96). pp. 25-28.Read more
Digitālu pelēko toņu attēlu analizators
LR patents Nr. 13942. “Digitālu pelēko toņu attēlu analizators”. Izgudrotāji: I.Mednieks, A.Skaģeris. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, publicēts 20.08.2009.Read more
Comparison of Signal Detection Methods under Conditions of Discrete Stroboscopic Transformation
V Karklinsh, K. Kruminsh. “Comparison of Signal Detection Methods under Conditions of Discrete Stroboscopic Transformation”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, 2009, Vol.43, Issue 5, pp. 227-232.Read more
Interpolācijas metode “laiks-kods” pārveidošanai
LR patenta pieteikums Nr. P-09-125. “Interpolācijas metode “laiks-kods” pārveidošanai”. Izgudrotāji: J.Artjuhs, V.Bespaļko, J.Buls, V.Vedins. Ekspertīzes lēmums par LR patenta atzīšanu 14.09.2009.Read more