Baums A., Gordjusins A., Kanonirs G., „Investigation of Time and Energy Consumption using the Physical Model”, Electronics and electrical engineering No. 5(111), Lithuania, Kaunas, 2011, pp. 85-88.Read more
Infrared Imaging System for Analysis of Blood Vessel Structure
R.Fuksis, M.Greitans, O.Nikisins, M.Pudzs. „Infrared Imaging System for Analysis of Blood Vessel Structure” „Electronics and Electrical Engineering”- Kaunas: Technologija, 2010, No.1(97), pp.45-48. .Read more
Experimental Studies of Signal Digitizing Based on Sine-wave Reference Crossings
I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris. Experimental Studies of Signal Digitizing Based on Sine-wave Reference Crossings. Electronics and Electrical Engineering - Kaunas: Technologija, 2010, No.4(100), pp.69-72.Read more
Multidimensional Observation Plans Inducing Nondegeneracy of Information Matrixes of Regression Models
A.A.Lorencs. Multidimensional Observation Plans Inducing Nondegeneracy of Information Matrixes of Regression Models. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2010, Vol.44, No.2, pp.69-77.Read more
Reconstruction of the Corrective Component of the Transfer Function of the Interpolator
A.S.Rybakov. Reconstruction of the Corrective Component of the Transfer Function of the Interpolator in the process of Calibration of the Precision Event Timer. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 11–21.Read more
Road Surface Monitoring Using Vehicular Sensor Networks with Microphones
A. Mednis, G. Strazdins, M. Liepins, A. Gordjusins, L. Selavo. "RoadMic: Road Surface Monitoring Using Vehicular Sensor Networks with Microphones." "Communications in Computer and Information Science" , 2010, Vol.88, pp.417-429.Read more
Extension of Minimax Metod to Minimize Energy Consumption in Real time Embedded Systems
A.Baums. Extension of Minimax Metod to Minimize Energy Consumption in Real time Embedded Systems. Automatic Control and Computer Science, 2010, Vol.44, No.6, pp.354-358. AbstractRead more
Digital Representation of Analog Signals leading to their Energy-efficient Processing
Y.Artyukh, I.Bilinskis, S.Roga, K.Sudars. „Digital Representation of Analog Signals leading to their Energy-efficient Processing”. Proceedings of Green Information Technology Green IT 2010, (Electronic Proceedings) Singapore, October 2010. pp.9-16.Read more
Analytic Model and Bilateral Approximation for Clocked Comparator
Modris Greitans, Evalds Hermanis, Gatis Supols. “Analytic Model and Bilateral Approximation for Clocked Comparator”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems - ICSES 2010, Glivice, Polija, 7-10. September 2010.g. pp.185-188.Read more
Reconstruction of sequences of arbitrary-shaped pulses from its low-pass or band-pass approximations using spectrum extrapolation
Modris Greitans, Rolands Shavelis “Reconstruction of sequences of arbitrary-shaped pulses from its low-pass or band-pass approximations using spectrum extrapolation”, Proceedings of the 18th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, Aug., 2010, pp. 1607-1611.Read more