I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars, “Experimental Evaluation of Conditions for Short-Distance Transmission of Event Timing Data”, International conference “Electronics 2012”, Palanga, Lithuania, 18-20 June 2012.Read more
Method for Wideband Signal Digitizing and their Real-time Reconstruction in Enlarged Dynamic Range
I.Bilinskis, K. Sudars, M. Min, “Method for Wideband Signal Digitizing and their Real-time Reconstruction in Enlarged Dynamic Range”, International conference “Electronics 2012”, Palanga, Lithuania, 18-20 June 2012.Read more
Accessible, Customizable, High-Performance IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Communication Solution
N. Agafonovs, G. Strazdins, M.Greitans, "Accessible, Customizable, High-Performance IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Communication Solution," in Proc. of International Workshop on Vehicular Communications and Applications (VCA 2012), Aiya Napa, Cyprus, pp. 127-132, June 19, 2012.Read more
A mini-batch discriminative feature weighting algorithm for lbp – based face recognition
O. Nikisins, M. Greitans. A mini-batch discriminative feature weighting algorithm for lbp - based face recognition. Peoceedings of IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2012), pages 170-175, July 2012.Read more
Адаптивный k-up-and-down метод при компараторном стробоскопическом преобразовании сигналов UWB радиолокации
К. Круминьш и В. Плоциньш, "Адаптивный k-up-and-down метод при компараторном стробоскопическом преобразовании сигналов UWB радиолокации", "Автоматика и вычислительная техника", Рига, 2012, No.6, c.58-68.Read more
RFID Communication: How Well Protected Against Reverse Engineering?
Artis Mednis, and Reinholds Zviedris. RFID Communication: How Well Protected Against Reverse Engineering? The 2nd International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC12), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC12), pp. 56-61, 2012. Klaipeda University, 2012Read more
Developvement of mobile research robot
Baums A., Gordjusins A., Kanonirs G., „Developvement of mobile research robot”, ICINCO 2012, 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics., 28-31 July, 2012, Rome, Italy. (Electronic Proceedings), pp. 329-332.Read more
Грейтанс Модрис, Херманис Эвалдс, Аристов Владимир, “ОБРАБОТКА ЗАШУМЛЕННОГО СВЕРХШИРОКОПОЛОСНОГО ИМПУЛЬСНОГО СИГНАЛА МЕТОДОМ ГЛАВНЫХ КОМПОНЕНТ”. Альманах современной науки и образования. Тамбов: Грамота, 2012. № 8. (63) , c. 30-35. ISSN 1993-5552Read more
Signal Sampling According to Time-Varying Bandwidth
R. Shavelis, M. Greitans „Signal Sampling According to Time-Varying Bandwidth”, Proc. of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, Romania, Aug., 2012., pp. 1164-1168.Read more
A two-stage method for building classifiers
A. Lorencs, Yu. Sinitsa-Sinyavskis. "A two-stage method for building classifiers," Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, September 2012, Volume 46, Issue 5, pp. 214-222.Read more