Ļevinskis, A. Convolutional Neural Network Feature Reduction Using Wavelet Transform. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2013, Vol.19, No.3, pp.61-64. e-ISSN 2029-5731. ISSN 1392-1215. Available from: doi:10.5755/j01.eee.19.3.3698Read more
Demo Abstract: SEAL-Blockly: Sensor Network Visual Programming Using a Web Browser
J. Judvaitis, A. Elsts and L. Selavo, “Demo Abstract: SEAL-Blockly: Sensor Network Visual Programming Using a Web Browser”, 10th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2013), Poster and Demo Proceedings, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.Read more
SEAL: a Domain-Specific Language for Novice Wireless Sensor Network Programmers
A. Elsts, J. Judvaitis and L. Selavo, „SEAL: a Domain-Specific Language for Novice Wireless Sensor Network Programmers”, 39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2013), Proceedings, Santander, Spain, 2013.Read more
Analysis of two-stage Bayes classifiers construction method: 2-dimensional case
A.Lorencs, J.Sinica-Sinavskis, “Analysis of two-stage Bayes classifiers construction method: 2-dimensional case,” Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, September 2013, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 254-266, 2013.Read more
Embedded Configurable Sensor Interface Devices for Seamless Data Acquisition
U. Grunde. ”Embedded Configurable Sensor Interface Devices for Seamless Data Acquisition”. 21th IEEE Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2013), IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1398P-CDR, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2013., Proceedings of Papers, pp.526-528.Read more
Регистрация дыхания человека по форме сшп импульсного сигнала на первой главной компоненте
M.Greitāns, V.Aristovs, V.Petersons „Регистрация дыхания человека по форме сшп импульсного сигнала на первой главной компоненте”, НАУЧНАЯ ПЕРСПЕКТИВА Научно-аналитический журнал (ISSN 2077-3153) 2 (36), 2013, lpp.71-73.Read more
Efficient Video Processing Method for Traffic Monitoring Combining Motion Detection and Background Subtraction
Kadiķis, R., & Freivalds, K. (2013). Efficient video processing method for traffic monitoring combining motion detection and background subtraction. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) (pp. 131-141). Springer, India.Read more
Correlation Method for Estimation of Event Timing Precision
V. A. Bespal’ko and A. S. Rybakov, “Correlation Method for Estimation of Event Timing Precision”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” – AC&CS, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol.47, Number 1, 2013, pp. 38-47. В.А. Беспалько и А.С. Рыбаков, „Корреляционный метод оценки точности таймирования событий”, ”Автоматика и вычислительная техника” – АВТ, Выпуск No. 1, 2013 (Vol. 47) с. 53-65.Read more
Signal-dependent analog-to-digital conversion based on MINIMAX sampling (IEICE)
I.Homjakovs, M.Hashimoto, T.Hirose and T.Onoye, „Signal-dependent analog-to-digital conversion based on MINIMAX sampling”, IEICE - Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, ISSN 0916-8508/ Vol.E96-A, No.2, pp.459-468, Feb. 2013.Read more
Импульсный локатор и метод главных компонент как средства анализа параметров дыхания
V.Aristovs „Импульсный локатор и метод главных компонент как средства анализа параметров дыхания”, Альманах современной науки и образования. Тамбов:, Грамота, 2013. № 3, lpp.20-23 (ISSN 1993-5552)Read more