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Extension of event timer A033-ET family
Boole E., Buraks I., Vershinin A., Spunde R. Extension of event timer A033-ET family “20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging October 9-14, 2016Read more
Karhunen-Loeve transform as a tool to eliminate signal’s redundancy, when small targets detection
Karhunen-Loeve transform as a tool to eliminate signal’s redundancy, when small targets detectionRead more
Discrete Fourier Transform of event timing signals transmitted over optical lines
BILINSKIS, I., BOOLE, E. and SKAGERIS, A., 2016. Discrete Fourier Transform of event timing signals transmitted over optical lines, Proceedings - 2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, RTUWO 2016 2016, pp. 28-31.Read more
Melanoma-Nevus Discrimination Based on Image Statistics in Few Spectral Channels
LORENCS, A., Sinica-Sinavskis, j., Jakovels, d., Mednieks, i., 2016. Melanoma-Nevus Discrimination Based on Image Statistics in Few Spectral Channels, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 22, No2, pp. 66-72Read more
Noninvasive optical diagnostics of enhanced green fluorescent protein expression in skeletal muscle for comparison of electroporation and sonoporation efficiencies
Tamošiūnas, M., Kadikis, R., Saknīte, I., Baltušnikas, J., Kilikevičius, A., Lihachev, A., ... & Šatkauskas, S. (2016). Noninvasive optical diagnostics of enhanced green fluorescent protein expression in skeletal muscle for comparison of electroporation and sonoporation efficiencies. Journal of biomedical optics, 21(4), 045003.Read more
Acceleration and Magnetic Sensor Network for Shape Sensing
HERMANIS, A., CACURS, R. and GREITANS, M., 2016. Acceleration and Magnetic Sensor Network for Shape Sensing. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(5), pp. 1271-1280.Read more
Influence of thermal hysteresis on distortions of zero line at various comparator type equivalent time signal conversion methods
KRUMIN’SH, K., PETERSON, V. and PLOTSIN’SH, V., 2016. Influence of thermal hysteresis on distortions of zero line at various comparator type equivalent time signal conversion methods. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 50(1), pp. 20-27.Read more
Amplitude Adaptive ASDM without Envelope Encoding
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Fusion of Multisensor Data Based on Different Multidimensional Distributions
LORENCS, A., MEDNIEKS, I., SINICA-SINAVSKIS, J., PUKITIS M. Fusion of Multisensor Data Based on Different Multidimensional Distributions, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 68-72, 2016.Read more