Increasing the Level of the Reflected Signal of a Broadband Pulse Locator by Changing the Pulse Duration of the Shock Excitation of a Broadband Antenna

Vladimir Aristov. "Increasing the Level of the Reflected Signal of a Broadband Pulse Locator by Changing the Pulse Duration of the Shock Excitation of a Broadband Antenna". European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2018, 5(9): 717-721. Is investigated possibility increasing the level of the reflected signal at the set frequency at a choice of optimum duration of an impulse of excitement of locator with shock excitement of the antenna.Read more

Mathematical Description of the Operation of a Step-Recovery-Diode-Based Pulse Generator Circuit

V. Aristov. Mathematical Description of the Operation of a Step-Recovery-Diode-Based Pulse Generator Circuit. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2018, No. 6. The paper describes the operation of a classic step-recovery-diode-based pulse generator circuit using differential equations. The circuit has parasitic inductances and capacitors for both circuit elements and the diode in addition to standard discrete elements necessary for pumping the diode and generating a sharp edge. The results are compared with experimental data.Read more

The Use Of The Karhunen Loeve Transformation To Form The Speech Data For Their Subsequent Wiring To Sound By Probing Sound Source By An Ultra-Wideband Pulse Locator

V. Aristov. T.Laimina “ The Use Of The Karhunen Loeve Transformation To Form The Speech Data For Their Subsequent Wiring To Sound By Probing Sound Source By An Ultra-Wideband Pulse Locator” , Žurnāls Austria-science, № 17/ 2018, pp.22-28. The possibility of applying the first principal component of the Karunen-Loeve transformation is developed to form the speech data for their subsequent wiring to sound when a sound source (speaking person) is probed with an ultrawideband pulse locator.Read more