M. Greitans, V. Aristov, and T. Laimina “Application of the Karhunen–Loeve Transformation in Bio_Radiolocation: Breath Simulation”. ISSN 0146_4116, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 18–24. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2012.Lasīt vairāk
Reduced complexity automatic face recognition algorithm based on local binary patterns
O. Nikisins, M. Greitans. Reduced complexity automatic face recognition algorithm based on local binary patterns. Peoceedings of 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2012), pages 447-450, April 2012.Lasīt vairāk
Conservation of the Law of Phase Modulation for UWB Pulse Signals in the First Principal Component
M. Greitans and V. Aristov, “Conservation of the Law of Phase Modulation for UWB Pulse Signals in the First Principal Component”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” Vol.46, Number 4, 2012 , Allerton Press, Inc. pp.179-184. М.Грейтанс и В. Аристов, „Сохранение закона фазовой модуляции UWB импульсного сигнала в первой главной компоненте”, ”Автоматика и вычислительная техника” - АВТ, Выпуск No.4, 2012, с.47-54.Lasīt vairāk
SADmote: A Robust and Cost-Effective Device for Environmental Monitoring
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Adaptive Vehicle Mode Monitoring Using Embedded Devices with Accelerometer
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A Multimodal Approach for Determination of Vehicle Position
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Accurate Sensor Node Energy Consumption Estimation Using EdiMote Prototyping Platform
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Heterogeneous Tool Kit for Real-Time Edutainment
Reinholds Zviedris, Artis Mednis, and Gatis Mednis. Heterogeneous Tool Kit for Real-Time Edutainment. The 5th International Scientific Conference on Applied Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2012), Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Applied Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2012), pp. 201-208, 2012. Latvia University of Agriculture, 2012.Lasīt vairāk
Tree species identification in mixed Baltic forest using LiDAR and multispectral data
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The Adaptive „Up-and-Down” Method with a Variable Step
V. Karklinsh, “The Adaptive „Up-and-Down” Method with a Variable Step”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” – AC&CS, Vol.46, Number 5, 2012, , Allerton Press, Inc., pp.232-237.В. Карклиньш, “Адаптивный метод “up-and-down” с переменным шагом, ”Автоматика и вычислительная техника” - АВТ. Выпуск No. 5, 2012 (Vol. 46) с.70-78.Lasīt vairāk
Signal distortions in comparator pulse gate transformation using the statistical method for a low number of samples
K. Kruminsh and V. Plotsinsh. “Signal distortions in comparator pulse gate transformation using the statistical method for a low number of samples”. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Volume 46, Number 3 / May 2012, pp.139-145.Lasīt vairāk
Method for Wideband Signal Digitizing and their Real-time Reconstruction in Enlarged Dynamic Range
I.Bilinskis, K. Sudars, M. Min, “Method for Wideband Signal Digitizing and their Real-time Reconstruction in Enlarged Dynamic Range”, International conference “Electronics 2012”, Palanga, Lithuania, 18-20 June 2012. Lasīt vairāk