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Technical aspects of development and evolution history of mobile robots
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Bezvadu sensoru tīklu izmantošana piedzīvojumu sacīkšu norises kontrolē
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Construction of Growth Models Using Linear Differential Equations
M. Greitans, E. Hermanis, A. Greitane. „Construction of Growth Models Using Linear Differential Equations”, Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 Conference EUROCON 2009. Saint–Petersburg, Russia, May, 2009., pp. 112-117.Lasīt vairāk
Simulation and calculation of a gated balanced comparator on tunnel diodes
E. Beiners, K.Kruminsh. “Simulation and calculation of a gated balanced comparator on tunnel diodes”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, Allerton Press, Inc., 2009, Vol.43, Issue 1, pp. 17-21.Lasīt vairāk
Estimating the Time Position of the Pulse Signal Midpoint by a Small Number of Samples in High-Precision Event Timing
A.Rybakov. “Estimating the Time Position of the Pulse Signal Midpoint by a Small Number of Samples in High-Precision Event Timing”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, Allerton Press, Inc., 2009, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp.9–16.Lasīt vairāk
Method for complexity-reduced digital filtering and parameter estimation of analog signals
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Applications of Riga Event Timer at Shanghai SLR Station
Yu.Artyukh (Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Riga, Latvia ), Zhang Zhongping et al., (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS). “Applications of Riga Event Timer at Shanghai SLR Station”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009, vol.2, pp. 447-453.Lasīt vairāk
A Nanosecond Pulse Amplitude-to-Time Interval Converter
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Advances of High-precision Riga Event Timers
Yu.Artyukh, V.Bespal’ko, E.Boole, V.Vedin. “Advances of High-precision Riga Event Timers”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009, vol.2. pp.398-403.Lasīt vairāk
Potentialities of Common-used TDC Chips for High-Speed Event Timer Design
E.Boole, V.Vedin. “Potentialities of Common-used TDC Chips for High-Speed Event Timer Design”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009,vol.2, pp. 417-422.Lasīt vairāk
Simulation and computation of the asymmetry of a clocked balanced tunnel-diode comparator
E. Beiners, K.Kruminsh. “Simulation and computation of the asymmetry of a clocked balanced tunnel-diode comparator”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, Allerton Press, Inc., 2009, Vol.43, Issue 2, pp. 109-112.Lasīt vairāk