Mg. sc. ing. Gatis Šūpols

Mg. sc. ing. Gatis Šūpols

+371 67558128

Researcher Gatis Supols has been working in EDI since 2006 after graduating Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia) and obtaining a degree in electronics.  In 2017. finished doctoral studies in electronics at Riga Technical University and is currently working on his doctoral thesis „Clocked comparator based ultra-wideband short-range impulse radar technology”.

Has been involved in various projects related to research and development of competitive virtual instruments, effective electronic systems, smart sensors and networked embedded systems, high sensitivity ultrawideband radars.

Interests: Analog and RF circuit design; UWB pulse radar systems: Ground penetrating radar (GPR), Wall penetrating radar (WPR) and through wall imaging (TWI) systems.

Co-author of 6 scientific publications and 3 patents.

Recent projects

Recent publications
