Technology for development of nanopulse cyber-physical system for ground subsurface noninvasive inspection. (NanoKS)

Project No: 2014/0052/ 2DP/

Project scientific manager: Dr.Sc.Ing.  Rolands Šāvelis

Project general aim is to develop science and production integration and commercialization of research results according to the country identified priority of sectors of the economy, and research priorities. The aim is to make new innovative technology that would make ground subsurfaces remote sensing method (technology) more accessible and manageable, because of combined multi-sensor data acquisition using a comparator-type converter and improved visualization and interpretation of the obtained results. 

Project implementation place – Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, and SIA “Infoserv-Rīga”.

Project duration 12 months from 26.09.2014. till 31.08.2015.

Project planned costs:  137188 EUR, including 103919 EUR EUR from ERDF resources.

Participating scientists

    Dr. sc. ing. Rolands Šāvelis
    Dr. sc. ing. Rolands Šāvelis


    +371 67558184
    Mg. sc. ing. Gatis Šūpols
    Mg. sc. ing. Gatis Šūpols


    +371 67558128
    Dr.Sc.Ing. Vladimirs Aristovs
    Dr.Sc.Ing. Vladimirs Aristovs

    Senior Researcher
