Project goal and tasks:
openDBL intends to integrate multidisciplinary know-how to solve the issues of the current architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) industry. The challenge of the project is to allow, through the development of openAPI, the disposal of openDBL in a unique standardized platform and create useful content, to simplify the workload of the AECO industry.
The project pursues 3 objectives:
1) create a digital building logbook (DBL) with useful content and functionalities,
2) ensure our DBL is usable and simple to use, reducing the time spent to upload, search and use the information and data to facilitate usage and gain wide adoption,
3) ensure attractive economics, through value propositions and convenient pricing.
We’ll provide any user with an integrated platform for their digitization needs; ensure that information and data conform to the latest trends and needs of our target clients and support the EU’s circular economy and green policies; develop automatic classification systems and data standards; facilitate the operation and maintenance activities of the building. This will be achieved by creating an Information Delivery Manual and a Data Model and further developing our existing platform already used for the creation of a DBL. This platform will support data matching with external databases and will integrate with state-of-the-art technologies (AI, Blockchain, IoT and VR).
Our ambition is to make openDBL the platform of reference for the monitoring of building consumption, the transparencies of transactions and official documents, and the positive impact on maintenance and environmental.
Tasks to be performed by EDI
In this project, EDI will research and develop an IoT platform for the collection of big data (energy consumption, external and internal temperature, # people, etc.) from the building with the ultimate target to derive behaviors, and patterns and provide suggestions on how to reduce energy impacts. To achieve that, it is planned to use the large-scale (100+) node indoor/outdoor IoT Testbed available at EDI facilities. This testbed will allow rapid integration of selected sensors, selection of the most appropriate communication network, and protocols, as well as pre-processing and processing units for energy-efficient and secure data collection

Participating scientists

    Dr. sc. ing. Ingrīda Lavrinoviča
    Dr. sc. ing. Ingrīda Lavrinoviča


    +371 67558274
    Mg. sc. comp. Jānis Judvaitis
    Ph.D Jānis Judvaitis

    Senior Researcher

    Dr. sc. ing. Kaspars Ozols

    Deputy director of development, Senior Researcher

    +371 67558161

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