Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication

The Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI) has started a project titled Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication (BiTe) in January 1, 2011. The project is supported by European Regional Development Fund ERDF grant No. “2010/0285/2DP/” and managed by Modris Greitans.


The main goal of the project is to develop safe, comfortable and widely used person’s identification technology based on human palm and face image analysis as along with smart cards for biometric data to preventing card usage without its owner. Identity fraud is one of modern thefts, which gives the “thief” an opportunity of making a financial loss to victim. Stolen identity causes a total loss of 221 billion dollars each year. The banks confirmed that the implementation of such system would provide an opportunity to replace (or combine) signature or PIN based bank cards with owner’s biometric data. Comfortable, cheep and secure person identification technology can be implement in everyday application like – banking, trading places, object access and control (including vehicles) etc.

Project is managed by the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science and is in synergy with ESF activity project “Smart sensor and embedded network system research and development centre”.

The project time frame is from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013.
The funding amount is 291 924 LVL.

14.04.2011. A progress report for the 1st phase (01.01.2011 – 31.03.2011) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

A progress report for the 2nd phase (01.04.2011 – 30.06.2011) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

TV report about the project activities, plans and results has been filmed and shown on daily TV program “Bez Tabu”, channel TV3

Article “Person Identification by Palm Veins Instead of Fingerprints” has been published in link

14.11.2011. A progress report for the 3rd phase (01.07.2011 – 31.10.2011) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

14.03.2012. A progress report for the 4th phase (01.11.2011 – 29.02.2012) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

13.07.2012. A progress report for the 5th phase (01.03.2012 – 30.06.2012) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

24.08.2012. Internet television MixTV shows a scene about European Union Structural Fund co-financed projects in the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science. Starts from 07:22.

First Latvian Television channel (LTV1) shows a scene about European Union Structural Fund co-financed projects in the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science within TV show “Eirobusiņš”. From 15:07 talks about the BiTe’s project current results.

5.-6.10.2012. Projects staff – M.Greitāns, R.Fuksis, M.Pudžs, R.Ruskuls, A.Kadiķis, D.Barkāns and T.Eglītis participated in International Exhibition of Inventors “MINOX 2012”, held in Riga, Kaļķu 1, presenting invention “Palm biometric recognition system”. The staff received the Latvian Business newspaper  “DienasBizness” Special Award:
“DienasBizness” Special Award

9.11.2012. A progress report for the 6th phase (01.07.2012 – 31.10.2012) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

14.03.2013. A progress report for the 7th phase (01.11.2012. – 28.02.2013.) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

14.06.2013. A progress report for the 8th phase (01.03.2013. – 31.05.2013.) has been submitted for the ERAF project No. 2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

29.08.2013. Projects staff – R.Fuksis, R.Ruskuls and T.Egitis participated in International Conference “Biophotonics – Riga 2013”, held in Riga, by presenting a poster called „Bi-Spectral Palm Image Acquisition for Person Recognition” and demonstrating Palm biometric feature acquisition system.

5.-6.09.2013. Projects employee T.Eglitis participated in the conference “2013 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2013)” in Germany, Darmstadt, and presented a poster “FPGA based palm print and palm vein biometric system” which received the best poster award.

9.-13.09.2013. Projects staff M.Greitans and R.Fuksis participated in the conference “European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013)” in Morocco, Marrakech, and presented poster “FPGA Implementation of CMF for Embedded Palm Biometric System”.

27.09.-1.10.2013. Projects employee O.Nikisins participated in the conference “The 2013 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods (AMCM 2013)” in Venice, Italia, and presented paper “Weighted Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histograms for Face Recognition”

11.10.2013. A progress report for the 9th phase (01.06.2013.-30.09.2013.) has been submitted for the ERAF project No.2010/0285/2DP/ “Multimodal biometric technology for safe and easy person authentication”

17.11.-20.11.2013.g. Projects employee R.Fuksis participated in the conference „Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2013)” in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, and presented a poster „A Bank of Fast matched Filters by Decomposing the Filter Kernel”.


IEEE Biometric Council Newsletter October 2013 Vol.9 includes conference report of IEEE BIOSIG 2013, where project BiTe engineer Teodors Eglitis was the winner of the BIOSIG 2013 best poster award for the work on “FPGA based palmprint and palm vein biometric system”:


  • 01.02.2011. Project’s open meeting where the researcher Mihails Pudžs and research assistant Rinalds Ruskuls talked about “Image acquisition using FPGA embedded system”.
  • 11.02.2011. Project’s open meeting where the senior researcher Mihails Broitmans gave a presentation on “Biometric data encryption and comparison”.
  • 20.09.2011. Paper “Biohashing and Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Biometric Data” have been accepted for publishing in International Conference on Hand-based Biometrics (ICHB2011) that will be held on 17-18 November, Hong Kong, China.


  • Rihards Fuksis, Arturs Kadikis, and Modris Greitans “Biohashing and Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Biometric Data”, International Conference on Hand-based Biometrics, ICHB2011, Hong Kong, China, November 17-18, 2011, pp. 268-273
  • Mihails Pudzs, Rihards Fuksis and Modris Greitans “Palmprint Image Processing With Non-Halo Complex Matched Filters For Forensic Data Analysis”, International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, April 4-5, 2013
  • Mihails Pudzs, Rihards Fuksis, Rinalds Ruskuls, Teodors Eglitis, Arturs Kadikis, and Modris Greitans “FPGA based palmprint and palm vein biometric system”, 12th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2013, Darmstadt, Germany, September 4-6, 2013, pp. 321-328
  • Mihails Pudzs, Rihards Fuksis, Rinalds Ruskuls, Davis Barkans, Teodors Eglitis and Modris Greitans „FPGA Implementation of CMF for Embedded Palm Biometric System”, 21st European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakech, Morocco, September 9-13, 2013.
  • Olegs Nikisins “Weighted Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histograms for Face Recognition”, The 2013 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods, AMCM 2013, Venice, Italia, September 27 – October 1, pp. 76-81
  • Mihails Pudzs, Rihards Fuksis, Modris Greitans, Teodors Eglitis, “A bank of fast matched filters by decomposing the filter kernel” Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP),  University of Malaya (UM),  Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, November 12-20, 2013.

Accepted papers:

International patent application with No. PCT/LV2012/000005 „Biometric authentication apparatus and biometric authentication method” has been submitted to EPO, to protect the intellectual property rights of the project’s novel research


Information about technology development

Participating scientists

    Dr. sc. comp. Modris Greitāns
    Dr. sc. comp. Modris Greitāns

    Director of EDI, Senior Researcher

    +371 67554500