iTrEMP project
The project objective of this project is to develop an innovative platform for traffic data acquisition, distribution and management (Platform) which could serve as a basis for new products supporting greener and more efficient development and management of cities. Project has been financed by ERDF Specific Objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure”, measure “Support for applied research”, Project application selection round No.2. In accordance to OESD classification and Frascati R&D classification the Project is planned to be implemented under the section “Natural sciences” second level classification 1.2. “Computer and information sciences” and section “Engineering and technology” second level classification 2.2. “Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering”. Project aim fully complies with Latvian Smart Specialization Strategy priority “Information and communications technology”, as well as the first and thesecond RIS3 national direction and ecomical growth priority. The project is related with the economic activities and will be financed by the applicant’s private funds. The project eligible costs include salaries and renumeration of the research personnel related to the project, inventory and material costs, as well as travel costs to the scientific conferences. In order to reach the planned objectives, there are certain activities be implemented: Industrial research: (1) Methods for more efficient and universal data aggregation from sensors; (2) Machine learning for data analysis and decision making ; (3) Methods for acquisition and analysis of bulk (video) data. Experimental development: (4) Development of platform prototype.

Project news

2019-04-01 Project iTrEMP started EDI in cooperation with WeAreDots Ltd. started a joint project “iTrEMP: Intelligent transport and emergency management platform” on April 1, 2019. Project has been financed by ERDF Specific Objective 1.1.1 “Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure”, measure “Support for applied research”, Project application selection round No.2. Total project funding: 878 510,21 € Planned project timeline: 01.04.2019 – 30.09.2020
2019-09-30 Project iTrEMP: 1st stage completed As reported earlier WeAreDots Ltd. and EDI are working on project “iTrEMP: Intelligent transport and emergency management platform” ( Project). The project objective is to develop an innovative platform for traffic data acquisition, distribution and management (Platform) which could serve as a basis for new products supporting greener and more efficient development and management of cities. The first stage of the project has successfully completed. Four project activities are ongoing in parallel:
  1. Methods for more efficient and universal data aggregation from sensors:
    • Subactivity 1.1 – Design of data model – completed;
    • Subactivity 1.2 – Data acquisition methodology – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 1.3 – Laboratory validation of a data synthesis method – ongoing.
  2. Machine learning for data analysis and decision making:
    • Subactivity 2.1 – Analysis of applicable machine learning model – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 2.2 – Development of selected machine learning models – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 2.3 – Laboratory validation of machine learning models – ongoing.
  3. Methods for acquisition and analysis of bulk (video) data:
    • Subactivity 3.1 – Analysis of applicable methods for local metadata extraction – completed;
    • Subactivity 3.2 – Analysis of applicable distributed data processing methods – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 3.3 – Development of selected bulk data acquisition and analysis methods – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 3.4 – Laboratory validation of bulk data acquisition and analysis methods – ongoing.
  4. Development of platform prototype:
    • Subactivity 4.1 – Central data storage and distribution platform prototype – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 4.2 – Data acquisition, processing and analysis module prototypes – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 4.3 – Platform prototype validation – ongoing.
The total costs of the project are planned 878 510,21 EUR, of which ERDF support is 599 316,15 EUR or 68,22%. Project has been started on April 1, 2019 and will continue for total of 18 months till end of September, 2020. At this moment two deliverables have been successfully completed:
  • D1: Data model design document
  • D2: Report on local metadata acquisition methods

2020-01-02 First half of project iTrEMP successfully completed As reported earlier WeAreDots Ltd. and EDI are working on project “iTrEMP: Intelligent transport and emergency management platform” ( Project). The project objective is to develop an innovative platform for traffic data acquisition, distribution and management (Platform) which could serve as a basis for new products supporting greener and more efficient development and management of cities. The first half of the project has successfully completed. Four project activities are ongoing in parallel:
  • Methods for more efficient and universal data aggregation from sensors:
    • Subactivity 1.1 – Design of data model – completed;
    • Subactivity 1.2 – Data acquisition methodology – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 1.3 – Laboratory validation of a data synthesis method – ongoing.
  • Machine learning for data analysis and decision making:
    • Subactivity 2.1 – Analysis of applicable machine learning model – completed;
    • Subactivity 2.2 – Development of selected machine learning models – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 2.3 – Laboratory validation of machine learning models – ongoing.
  • Methods for acquisition and analysis of bulk (video) data:
    • Subactivity 3.1 – Analysis of applicable methods for local metadata extraction – completed;
    • Subactivity 3.2 – Analysis of applicable distributed data processing methods – completed;
    • Subactivity 3.3 – Development of selected bulk data acquisition and analysis methods – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 3.4 – Laboratory validation of bulk data acquisition and analysis methods – ongoing.
  • Development of platform prototype:
    • Subactivity 4.1 – Central data storage and distribution platform prototype – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 4.2 – Data acquisition, processing and analysis module prototypes – ongoing;
    • Subactivity 4.3 – Platform prototype validation – ongoing.
  The total costs of the project are planned 878 510,21 EUR, of which ERDF support is 599 316,15 EUR or 68,22%. Project has been started on April 1, 2019 and will continue for total of 18 months till end of September, 2020. At this moment four deliverables have been successfully completed:
  • D1: Data model design document
  • D2: Report on local metadata acquisition methods
  • D3: Report on applicable machine learning models
  • D4: Report on distributed data processing methods

Participating scientists

    Mg. sc. cogn. Maksims Ivanovs
    Mg. sc. cogn. Maksims Ivanovs


    +371 67558230
    Dr. sc. comp. Artis Mednis
    Dr. sc. comp. Artis Mednis

    Former EDI research assistant

    Mg. sc. comp Krišjānis Nesenbergs
    Mg. sc. comp Krišjānis Nesenbergs


    +371 67558268, Mob. +371 29512306
    Mg. sc. ing. Didzis Lapsa
    Mg. sc. ing. Didzis Lapsa


    +371 67558230
    Mg. sc. comp. Jānis Judvaitis
    Ph.D Jānis Judvaitis

    Senior Researcher


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