National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS).

 Project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”. Project leader Leo Selavo.

Project involves the development of cyber-physical system technology and the fulfilment of following goals set for the program:

Create intelligent sensor networks and innovative hardware and software platforms for cyber physical system development, including the everyday user-oriented programming approach; – A programming platforms for convenient programming of sensor networks and cyber physical systems that are based on those networks using MansOS and SEAL will be developed. Based on the EDImote technologies, innovative modular platform for user friendly and convenient system prototyping, debugging and performance evaluation will be developed. This platform will provide faster development of prototypes than it is now, therefore it will contribute to development of competitive innovative CPS based products.

Explore and develop a cyber-physical system of medicine and telemedicine applications in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; – Will develop technologies that allows to create body sensor network systems that can be integrated into clothing and include high number of sensors. For the system to be easy to use and energy efficient, particular emphasis will be placed on architecture of wired network that allows the acquisition of data from large number of wearable sensors, without increasing the number of wires. CPS applications in medicine will reduce the time of patient’s physical attendance at medical professionals. CPS is also applicable to the rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment and can be used for prophylactic purposes by replacing the medical personnel with a CPS based virtual assistant. CPS continuously acquires medical data from the human body in natural environment of the user, thereby allowing for a more accurate diagnosis and also allowing monitoring of patients in risk groups. At the same time, medical professionals have access to more complete data on the patient’s condition, as they are collected continuously throughout the day. This would give the opportunity to monitor a patient’s condition, as well as ensure that patient follows the doctor’s instructions, therefore reducing the overall cost of medicine and improving public health in the long run.

Develop and explore intelligent sensor and networking technology uses in intelligent transportation systems; – System will be developed for analysis of sleepiness, fatigue, attention and response to environment and events of a driver. Using imaging, image processing and machine learning methods, tracking of moving objects, prediction of trajectories and detection of anomalies, system will be developed for monitoring of surrounding road users from the vehicle. Such system allows warning of drivers of potentially dangerous situations, therefore averting the danger.  System will incorporate latest advancements in thermal imaging and analysis of thermal images, which allows detecting heat changes in the environment. This allows to timely detect people, animals and other objects before the driver notices them. Vehicle mutual communication technologies for intelligent system infrastructure will be explored and developed to increase the scope of activities delegated to intelligent vehicles and aid the drivers. Communication between vehicles allows to exchange information, which in turn allows to be aware of already taken and planned maneuvers of surrounding vehicles, thus allowing cooperative quazi-automatic or even fully automatic driving.

On July 9, 11am

Institute of Electronics and Computer Science will host a seminar in auditorium A , titled:

„Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” as part of the “Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society” (SOPHIS), a program funded by the National Research Program.


  1. Project No.1., Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport, introduction and review,” Leo Selavo, the project scientific lead.
  2. Wireless sensor network infrastructure development and research,” Didzis Lapsa, Rinalds Ruskuls.
  3. Development of a smart clothing platform for medical and telemedicine applications,” Atis Hermanis, Emil Syndyukov.
  4. Big data collection and analysis in cyber physical systems for healthcare,” Rihards Balash, Andrejs Skageris, Leo Selavo.
  5. “Research of acquisition of data with different type and dimension for describing the surrounding of a transport vehicle,” Mihails Pudzs.
  6. Communication in intelligent transportation systems – specifics of cooperative driving,” Artis Mednis.


  • Presentation at Baltic Eleectronics Conference – BEC 2014 (Tallin, Estonia, 06-08.10.2014)
  • Presentation at Exhibition MINOX 2014 (Riga, 10-11.10.2014)
  • Presentation at 73. Conference of the University of Latvia (Riga, 20.02.2015)

15.02.2016. -18.02 2016 asistent Emil Syundyukov participate in  conference and demo „International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) 2016” in Graz (Austria). Participation is supported by National Research Programme SOPHIS project Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”.

16.03.2016. 13:30 Public seminar of the project no.1 „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” (KiFiS)  of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: conference hall of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Dzerbenes iela 14, Riga.  Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 2 of the project.

Agenda (preliminary):

1. ”Introduction about the project and results of stage 2” – Krisjanis Nesenbergs

2. ”Use of wearable devices in medicine” – Atis Hermanis

3. “Architecture of smart clothing” – Maksis Celitans

4.“Use of EMG and other sensors in wearable devices” – Armands Ancans

5. “Intelligent cars and ADAS systems” – Ingars Ribners and Mihails Pudzs

6. “Testing environment and development tools for WSN” – Arnis Salmins and Didzis Lapsa

23.11.2016. 15:00 Public seminar of the project no.1 „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” (KiFiS)  of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: “A” auditorium of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Dzerbenes str. 14, Riga.  Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 3 of the project. Seminar program.

1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”. Introduction about the project and results of stage 3, Project leader Leo Selavo.

2. „Bezvadu sensoru tīklu infrastruktūras izstrāde un izpēte”. Didzis Lapsa.

3. „EMG un inerciālo sensori cilvēka datora saskarnes izveidošanai cilvēkiem ar kustību traucējumiem”. Armands Ancāns, Ričards Cacurs.

4. „Valkājamās ECG izstrādes problemātika”. Juris Ormanis.

5. „Viedās automašīnas un ADAS sistēmas”. Ingars Ribners.

On December 7 at 14:00 in Institute of Electronics and Computer science conference hall will occure a seminar on National Research Program „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.”  (SOPHIS) 3. Period progress and results.

Please visitors register on the website or by phone: +371 67554500; e-mail:

14:00 -14:15 Opening of the seminar. NRP SOPHIS challenges and a summary of already achievements in 3.period. Modris Greitāns (EDI).

14:15-14:55 „Project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”. Summary of progress and already achievements in 3.period. Leo Seļāvo(EDI), Krišjānis Nesenbergs (EDI).

14:55-15:35 Project No.2.  „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment”. Summary of progress and already achievements in 3.period. comp. Jānis Bārzdiņš(LU MII),  Dr.habil  Jānis Grundspeņķis (RTU DITF),ānis Bičevskis (LU DF).

15:35 -16:00 Coffee Break, demonstrations.

16:00-16:40 Project No.3. “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”. Summary of progress and already achievements in 3.period „Dr.habil.phys. Jānis Spīgulis (LU ASI), Dr.phys. Uldis Rubīns (LU ASI).

16:40 -17:20 Project No.4. “Development of technologies for secure and reliable smart-city”. Summary of progress and already achievements in 3.period. Ints Mednieks (EDI), Jurģis Poriņš (RTU TI), Sandis Dejus (RTU BF).

17:20- 17:30 Concluding discussions, demonstrations.

10.05.2017. EDI autonomous driving research group is demonstrating its developments on the Bikernieki race track as part of the “Latvian first autonomous vehicle test drive” event. Also, during the event, LMT and Riga High Tech presents their achievements and future plans of creation of international test platforms in Latvia. The demonstration is live streamed in LMT app and can be seen from 12:00 at following link:  More information: Developed within SOPHIS project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”

1.08.2017. 14:00 Seminar of the project no.1 „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: “A” auditorium of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Dzerbenes str. 14, Riga.  Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 4 of the project.  Seminar program.

30.11.2017. 13:00 Seminar of the project no.1 „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” (KiFiS)  of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: “A” auditorium of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Dzerbenes str. 14, Riga.  Members of each research group will present results obtained in the project.

Seminar presentations:

Projekts Nr. 1  „Kiberfizikālo sistēmu tehnoloģiju attīstība un to pielietojumi medicīnā un viedā transporta jomā (KiFiS)” K.Nesenbergs.

„Viedās automašīnas un ADAS sistēmas (SmartCar) 2014-2017” I.Ribners.

„Pārskats par paveikto valkājamo ierīču grupā” Armands Ancāns, Juris Ormanis.

„Measurement of current consumption in a wireless sensor networkTestBed”. Didzis Lapsa, Rihards Balass, Janis Judvaitis, Krišjanis Nesenbergs.

„TestBed grupa” Arnis Salmiņš, Rihards Balašs, K.Nesenbergs, Didzis Lapsa.

01.12.2017.g. Nauris Dorbe, a scientific assistant at Cyber-Physical Systems laboratory, received the ZIBIT 2017 scholarship for the best master thesis in computer science. The thesis ” Driverless cars tuition using reinforcement learning artificial deep neural networks within cooperate driving system”, was developed at the Institute of electronics and computer science as part of the project no.1 „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” (KiFiS)  of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS) and was defended at University of Latvia.

The competition “ZIBIT” is organized by JSC Exigen Services Latvia and Accenture Latvia in cooperation with the foundation “Riga Technical University Development Fund” with the goal of funding and appreciating computer science students of the higher education institutions of Latvia and to promote their professional growth and career development.



  1. Hermanis, A.; Cacurs, R.; Greitans, M., “Acceleration and Magnetic Sensor Network for Shape Sensing,” in Sensors Journal, IEEE , vol.16, no.5, pp.1271-1280, March1, 2016 doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2496283, URL:
  2. I. Ribners, A. Mednis, K. Nesenbergs, R. Zviedris and L. Selavo “DIY Car Control System for Cooperative Driving”, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Submitted for publication
  3. Krisjanis Nesenbergs. “Architecture of smart clothing for standardized wearable sensor systems.” IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine Volume 19, Issue 5 (2016), pp. 36-64. DOI: 10.1109/MIM.2016.7579068 ,

SCOPUS, Web of Science:

  1. Olegs Nikisins, , Kamal Nasrollahi, Modris Greitans and Thomas B. Moeslund “RGB-D-T based Face Recognition”, 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm Waterfront, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014, pp.1716-1721. DOI: 10.1109/ICPR.2014.302 ;
  2. A. Hermanis, R. Cacurs, M. Greitans, “Shape sensing based on acceleration and magnetic sensor system”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISISS), 23-26 March 2015. DOI:10.1109/ISISS.2015.7102383
  3. O.Nikisins, R.Fuksis, A. Kadikis and M. Greitans. “Face recognition system on Raspberry Pi” 2015 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering: Information Processing and Control Engineering, WCSE 2015-IPCE; Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityMoscow; Russian Federation; 15 April 2015 through 17 April 2015; Code 112346.
  4. K.Nesenbergs, L. Selavo, “Smart textiles for wearable sensor networks: review and early lessons,” Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) 2015 Conference on, Torino, Italy, 7-9 May 2015. DOI:10.1109/MeMeA.2015.7145236
  5. Pudzs, Mihails; Fuksis, Rihards; Mucenieks, Agris; Greitans, Modris, “Complex matched filter for line detection,” in Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), 2015 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.93-97, 7-9 Sept. 2015 doi: 10.1109/ISPA.2015.7306039, URL:
  6. Dimitrios Lymberopoulos and the participants of Microsoft Indoor localization Competition 2014 (including Leo Selavo), “A Realistic Evaluation and Comparison of Indoor Location Technologies: Experiences and Lessons Learned,” the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), CPSWEEK, Seattle, USA, April 13-16, 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2737095.2737726
  7. Artis Mednis. “Development of 802.11p Testbed – Experiences”, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC 2014), October 6-8, 2014, Tallin, Estonia, pp. 137-140.
  8. Ruskuls, R., Lapsa, D., & Selavo, L. (2015, November). EDI WSN TestBed: Multifunctional, 3D Wireless Sensor Network Testbed. In Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), 2015 (pp. 50-53). IEEE.;   DOI: 10.1109/RTUWO.2015.7365718 ;
  9.  J. Judvaitis, A. Salmins, K. Nesenbergs “Network Data Traffic Management Inside a TestBed”, RTUWO 2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, 3-4. nov.2016 Riga, Latvia. ; DOI: 10.1109/RTUWO.2016.7821874 ; ISBN: 978-1-5090-1535-1
  10. Shavelis R., Ozols K., Greitans M., Amplitude Adaptive ASDM circuit, 2017 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Madeira, Portugal, May 24-26, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/EBCCSP.2017.8022815 [4.period]
  11. Ancans, A. Rozentals, K. Nesenbergs, M. Greitans. “Inertial sensors and muscle electrical signals in human-computer interaction”, ICTA 2017, ICTA 2017 : 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility. December 19- 21, 2017, Muscat-Sultanate of Oman.  Accepted for publication. [4.period]
  12. A. Salmins, J. Judvaitis, R. Balass and K. Nesenbergs. “Mobile wireless sensor network TestBed”. 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017 on the 21st and 22nd November 2017,Belgrade, Serbia. Accepted for publication.[4.period]
  13. D. Lapsa, R. Balass, J. Judvaitis, K. Nesenbergs and A. Skageris. “Power Consumption Measurement of Tested Units in the WSN TestBed”. 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017 on the 21st and 22nd November 2017,Belgrade, Serbia. Accepted for publication.[4.period]
  14. V. Abolins, K. Nesenbers, E. Bernans. “On improving gait analysis data: heel induced force plate noise removal and cut-off frequency selection for Butterworth filter”, 2017 9th International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2017), AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand, November 27-30, 2017. Accepted for publication.[4.period]
  15. N. Dorbe, I. Ribners, K. Nesenbergs. “Prospects of improving the self-driving car development pipeline: transfer of algorithms from virtual to physical environment”, 2017 The 10th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017), November 13-15, 2017 | Vienna, Austria Accepted for publication.[4.period]
  16. A. Levinskis “Using virtual environment for autonomous vehicle algorithm validation”,  2017 The 10th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017), November 13-15, 2017 | Vienna, Austria Accepted for publication.[4.period]

Presentations in international conferenes:

  1. A.Hermanis, R. Cacurs, K. Nesenbergs, M. Greitans, E. Syundyukov, L. Selavo, “Demonstration Abstract: Wearable Sensor Grid Architecture for Body Posture and Surface Detection and Rehabilitation,” The 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), CPSWEEK, Seattle, USA, April 13-16, 2015. pp.414-415. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3475-4 doi;10.1145/2737095.2742555
  2. Dimitrios Lymberopoulos and the participants of Microsoft Indoor localization Competition 2014 (including Leo Selavo), “A Realistic Evaluation and Comparison of Indoor Location Technologies: Experiences and Lessons Learned,” The 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), CPSWEEK, Seattle, USA, April 13-16, 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2737095.2737726
  3. 09.-11.03.2015. M.Greitans participated in international event “ARTEMIS Co-Summit 2015” Berlin, Germany, where he presented and discussed ideas and results of the project.
  4. 03.-20.02.2015. Participants of the project participated in the 73rd scientific conference of the University of Latvia, where they held two presentations: “Localization inside buildings with digitally controlled directional antennas” (L.Selavo, I.Drikis, R.Balass) and “Development of heterogenous wireless communication poligon” (A.Mednis, J.Judvaitis, R.Ruskuls).
  5. 21.-22.01.2015. M.Greitans participated in KTI ARTEMIS “Brokerage Event 2015” Amsterdam, Netherlands, where he presented and discussed ideas and results of the project.
  6. 31.08.-06.09.2014. Program manager M.Greitans participated in European signal processing conference “EUSIPCO 2014” Lisabon, Portugal, where he presented and discussed ideas and results of the project.
  7. L.Selavo, I. Drikis, A. Mednis, R. Balass. “DiStAL: Digitally Steerable Antennas for Localization,” Technical report, Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition, IPSN 2015,, April 13-17 2015, Seattle, WA,USA.
  8. Emil Syundyukov participated in conference and demo session „International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) 2016” from February 15 till February 18 Graca (Austria).
  9. Emil Syundyukov participated in RSU ISC 2016 conference, March 2016, with presentation “Wearable sensor network and mobile application for knee joint dynamics monitoring during rehabilitation”.
  10. 2015-09-16 A. Hermanis presents in conference “4th Baltic and North Sea Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine” the published abstract Atis Hermanis, Andra Greitane, Santa geidāne, Armands Ancāns, Ričards Cacurs, Modris Greitāns, „Wearable Head and Back Posture Feedback System For Children With Cerebral Palsy”, Abstract: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ISSN 1650-1977).
  11. J. Judvaitis, A. Salmins, K. Nesenbergs “Network Data Traffic Management Inside a TestBed”, RTUWO 2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, 3-4. nov.2016 Riga, Latvia. ; DOI: 10.1109/RTUWO.2016.7821874 ; ISBN: 978-1-5090-1535-1


Latvian patent application with No. P-17-69. “Mobila ierīce bezvadu sensoru tīklu un to mezglu efektīvai izstrādei mērķa vidē”. Inventors: Leo Seļāvo, Krišjānis Nesenbergs, Jānis Judvaitis, Didzis Lapsa, Rihards Balašs, Arnis Salmiņš, Modris Greitāns. LR Patent board 02.11.2017. Applicant: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science [4.period]

Latvian patent application with No. P-17-97. “”Metode antenas virziendarbības nodrošināšanai, izmantojot tikai spiesto plašu celiņus ar pielāgotu garumu “. Inventor: Ivars Driķis. LR Patent board 29.12.2017. Applicant: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science [4.period]

Involment in education:

PhD thesis:

Atis Hermanis “SHAPE SENSING BASED ON EMBEDDED SENSORS FOR MOBILE CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS”. Academic supervisors, senior researcher M. GREITĀNS,, professor O. KRIEVS. (Defended RTU Promotion  Council,  25.11.2016).

Defended Master thesis:

  1. Armands Ancāns (2016) “An Acquisition and Processing of Inertial Sensor and Electromyogram Signal for Alternative Communication Device”. Scientific supervisor M.Greitans.
  2. Maksis Celitāns (2016) “Multi branch sensor network for human biomechanical monitoring”. Scientific supervisor M.Greitans.
  3. Rihards Novickis (2016) “Image Processing Using Heterogeneous Embedded Systems”.  Scientific supervisor M.Greitans.
  4. Aleksandrs Skripko (2017) “Stereo kameras pieslēgšana pie SoC FPGA sistēmas, attēlu iegūšana tālākai apstrādei /Linking the stereo camera to SoC FPGA system for images further processing” Scientific supervisor G.Valters [4.period];
  5.  Nauris Dorbe (2017) «Bezpilota mašīnu apmācība, izmantojot stimulētās mācīšanās mākslīgos dziļos neironu tīklus kooperatīvās braukšanas sistēmā» / «Driverless cars tuition using reinforcement learning artificial deep neural networks within cooperate driving system»; Scientific supervisors G.Bārzdiņš un I.Ribners.  [4.period];
  6. Emil Syundyukov (2017) “Sistēma veselības datu vākšanai un analīzei/System for vital signs data acquisition and analysis” Scientific supervisor L.Seļāvo [4.period];
  7.  Reinis Ozoliņš (2017) “Miniatūra kooperatīvās braukšanas automobiļa vadības bloka uzbūves izpēte un izstrāde” Scientific supervisorāns [4.period]

Bachelors thesis:

Emil Syundyukov, bachelors thesis “Embedded hardware and software for health data monitoring during rehabilitation” Scientific supervisor L.Seļāvo (2015)

Voldemars Smelens (2016) “Acquisiton and processing of spatial point cloud “. Scientific supervisor K.Nesenbergs.

Martins Skudra (2016)“ADAS pedestrian detection, combining point cloud and thermal images“. Scientific supervisor K.Nesenbergs.

Henrijs Smelens (2016) “RTK-GPS positioning system and its applications in self-driving cars “. Scientific supervisor K.Nesenbergs.

Arnis Salmiņš (2016) “Wireless sensor network TestBed software / Bezvadu sensoru tīklu testēšanas vides programmatūra”.Scientific supervisor J.Judvaitis.

Jānis Ārents (RTU, ETF) “Industriālo robotu un datorredzes risinājumu integrēšanas iespēju izpēte rūpniecisko procesu automatizācijai/Industrial robot and computer vision solution integration research for automation of industrial processes” Scientific supervisor A.Šenfelds[4.period];

Niklāvs Barkovskis (RTU, ETF) “Vilciena integritātes kontrole ar bezvadu sensoru tīklu, kas balstīts uz akselerometra, GPS un RSSI mērījumiem /Train Integrity Control with Wireless Sensor Network Based on Accelerometer, GPS and RSSI Measurements” Scientific supervisor K.Ozols[4.period];

Artis Rozentāls “Enerģijas iegūšana portatīvām ierīcēm/Energy Harvesting for Portable Devices” Scientific supervisor Viktors Zagorskis[4.period];

Popular publications, events, information in mass media:


  1. Participation in exhibition «School 2015», February 27-28, Riga.
  2. 10.-11.10.2014. A.Mednis participated in Riga Technical University exhibiton for inventions and innovations – MINOX 2014.
  3. Participation in exhibition «RIGA COMM 2016», Riga, 20-21 October 2016.
  4. Participation in exhibition “ROBOTEX” Estonia, Tallin, 02-04 December 2016.

Long-term technological prognosis

Project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”.

Participating scientists

    Mg. sc. ing Juris Ormanis
    Mg. sc. ing Juris Ormanis


    +371 67558154
    Dr. sc. comp. Artis Mednis
    Dr. sc. comp. Artis Mednis

    Former EDI research assistant

    Mg. sc. comp Krišjānis Nesenbergs
    Mg. sc. comp Krišjānis Nesenbergs


    +371 67558268, Mob. +371 29512306
    Mg. sc. ing. Aleksandrs Ļevinskis
    Mg. sc. ing. Aleksandrs Ļevinskis


    +371 67558136
    Mg. sc. ing. Didzis Lapsa
    Mg. sc. ing. Didzis Lapsa


    +371 67558230