On October 7, 2015 in Institute of Electronics and Computer science conference hall was held a seminar on National Research Program „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe & smart city and society.” (SOPHIS) 1. period results.
Seminar was opened by NRP SOPHIS main manager Dr.sc.comp. Modris Greitans (EDI) with the presentation of the NRP SOPHIS 1.period challenges, progress and summary. Then spoke project managers and sub-managers.
In seminar spoke:
Project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” manager Dr.sc.comp. Leo Seļāvo
Project No.2. „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” manager Dr.habil.sc comp. Jānis Bārzdiņš (LU MII), sub-project manager Dr. habil sc.ing. Jānis Grundspeņķis, sub-project manager Dr.sc.comp. Guntis Arnicāns.
Project No.3. “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” manager Dr.habil.phys. Jānis Spīgulis, sub-project manager Dr.phys. Uldis Rubīns
Project No.4. “Development of technologies for secure and reliable smart-city” manager Dr.sc.comp. Ints Mednieks, sub-project manager Dr.sc.ing. Jurģis Poriņš, sub-project manager Gatis Šūpols.
Finally, was held discussions and demonstrations, for example, in seminar was demonstrated SIA “LightSpace Technologies” 3D volumetric display.