(May 14-16) K. Nesenbergs, head of Cyber-Physical Systems lab., participates in project kick-off meeting of Arrowhead Tools projekct in Gothenburg, Sweden. Arrowhead tools is a project with budget ~105MEur, in which 88 partners from 18 countries come together to develop tools for engineering of digitalisation solutions. In this project EDI is developing a mobile large-scale wireless IoT testbed for reducing wireless IoT system development and testing time by up to 30%. During the event, partners are introduced to the EDI work plan in project tasks, and most appropriate solutions for achieving the project goals are discussed. Mor information on the project is available at https://www.edi.lv/en/projects/arrowhead-tools-for-engineering-of-digitalisation-solutions-arrowhead-tools/ and https://arrowhead.eu/arrowheadtools