On 11 February, 2024
International Day of Women and Girls in Science was
This Day is a reminder that women and girls
play a critical role in science and technology communities and that
their participation should be strengthened.
In 2022, 4046 female scientists, experts and project managers with scientific degrees were employed in Latvia. Congratulations to all women in science!
A special greetings to ladies working at EDI, to enthusiastic and passion women who on their daily routine contribute to the development of innovations and technologies – Tamāra Laimiņa, Ingrīda Lavrinoviča, Linda Gulbe-Viļuma, Laura Leja, Diāna Dupļevska, Laura Krumpāne, Anastasija Beibakova, Katrīna Viltrake, Ārija Kalniņa, Beāta Banga, Marta Tropa, Anastasija Ševčenko, Marija Skromule and Una Untula-Judvaite!