Due to the extensive involvement of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI) in international projects (approximately one third of EDI research) to reduce the risks of project implementation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and be responsible to oneself and others, the staff of the Institute of Electronics and Computer collectively got their vaccines against COVID-19 on May 13. Currently more than half of the staff have already recieved their first shot, which is almost three times more than the Latvian average.
The institute is currently implementing 10 “Horizon 2020” projects, 2 European Space Agency projects and 8 commercialization projects, for which on-site visits, international exhibitions and meetings are also important. In the international evaluation of scientific institutions, the institute received the highest evaluation in the field of engineering sciences and technologies, largely due to the active international cooperation in “Horizon2020” and other international projects.
The constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic has also made it very difficult to implement the project for “Supporting EDI international cooperation projects in research and innovation”, and we now hope that because of the fact that vaccines will make it easier to travel, we will be able to catch up quickly!
We wuld like to remind everyone that since May 3, every inhabitant of Latvia can receive the vaccine against Covid-19, including the possibility of organized vaccination of work teams.
The management of the institute calls on the staff, partners and every member of the society to be socially responsible, to follow the epidemiological safety measures, as well as to trust in science and get vaccinated.