Celebrating World Quantum Day, the Latvian Quantum Initiative invited participants to take part in lectures, discussions, and excursions held at the House of Sciences of the University of Latvia (LU). The event was intended for both experienced quantum enthusiasts and those who simply wanted to understand quantum technologies.
Representatives from the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science also participated in the event: PhD student Andrejs Cvetkovs and senior researcher Rihards Novickis, who also took part in the panel discussion “Why does Latvia need quantum technologies?” More information about the Latvian Quantum Initiative, lectures, panel discussions and recordings can be found online:
– https://www.quantumlatvia.lu.lv
– https://www.lu.lv/par-mums/lu-mediji/zinas/zina/t/83965/
– https://www.facebook.com/QuantumLatvia/
In several research projects (A-IQ Ready and ARCHIMEDES), the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, together with European partners, develops electronics that would reduce the size, energy consumption, and costs of quantum sensors, as well as improve their performance. As a part of these research activities, it is also planned to utilize Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) diamonds for underground localization, motor control, and battery monitoring use-cases.
More about the project:
– https://www.aiqready.eu
– https://www.archimedesproject.eu/
– https://www.edi.lv/en/projects/artificial-intelligence-using-quantum-measured-information-for-realtime-distributed-systems-at-the-edge-a-iq-ready/
– https://www.edi.lv/en/projects/trusted-lifetime-in-operation-for-a-circular-economy-archimedes/