The Institute of Electronics and Computer
Science (EDI) is proud to announce that Dr. Kaspars Ozols, Deputy
Director for Development and Senior Researcher at EDI, has become a
member of the Scientific Council of the INSIDE Industrial Association.
For more information, please visit: https://www.inside-association.eu/scientificcouncil
members of the Scientific Council have been selected for their
scientific and technical expertise to cover INSIDE Focus areas and
provide support on collaborative R&D&I programs along the entire
value chain of the European electronic components and systems (ECS).
INSIDE is one of the leading industrial associations in Europe in the field of intelligent digital systems. Currently, the association comprises more than 250 members and associate members from leading European companies and the academic sector. The multidisciplinary nature of the membership provides an excellent network for the exchange of technology ideas, build together strategic R&I agenda’s, cross-domain fertilisation, as well as for large innovation initiatives.
Inside is one of the three private partners of the CHIPS-JU (formerly KDT and ECSEL) a Joint Undertaking based on a tripartite governing model between the Participating States, the European Commission and the private sector as represented by three Industry Associations.