Robotics and machine perception laboratory senior researcher Kaspars Ozols, researcher Janis Arents, researcher Rihards Novickis and Cyber-Physical Systems laboratory researcher Aleksandrs Levinskis are participating in “European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) 2020”. During the event, ICT tendencies and main achievements in the EU projects together with upcoming Horizon Europe, KDT-JU, EUREKA, EURIPIDES²/PENTA and other calls are presented. Senior researcher Kaspars Ozols and researcher Aleksandrs Ļevinskis are taking part in the EFECS exhibition, where they are representing EDI at the H2020 ECSEL project PRYSTINE booth. Both researchers are presenting latest results from the project, which are related to the perception system of the self-driving car. Presented video is avaialble here:
More about the project: https://prystine.eu/
While researcher Janis Arents represents EDI at the H2020 ECSEL project AI4DI virtual booth, where forum attendees are introduced with EDI contribution to AI4DI.
Video – available to forum attendees can be seen by following this link:
More about the project: https://ai4di.automotive.oth-aw.de/
Finally, researcher Rihards Novickis represents H2020 ECSEL project APPLAUSE (Advanced packaging for photonics, optics and electronics for low cost manufacturing in Europe) and within the event he introduces attendees with project results. The strong drive for more complex systems and more advanced packaging, including optics and photonics, creates a chance to retain the manufacturing and packaging value chain to Europe – or even start to bring it back. APPLAUSE supports this by building on the European expertise in advanced packaging and assembly to develop new tools, methods and processes for high volume mass manufacturing of electrical and optical components. In this project, EDI is developing a low-cost and high-performance thermal infrared sensor image pre-processing stack in digital logic.
Presentations made available to forum attendees can be found here:
More about the project: