EDI representatives participated in the 5G-ROUTES project partner and reviewer meeting in Valga and Tallinn on June 13 and 14, 2024. The project’s goal is to develop 5G communication solutions for cooperative traffic, logistics, and passenger entertainment applications that function seamlessly across country borders. EDI’s role, along with other partners, is to create solutions demonstrating cooperative self-driving car use cases to improve road traffic flow, road safety, and passenger comfort.

During the meeting, the 5G-ROUTES consortium and the European Commission’s reviewers discussed and evaluated the results of all work packages. The event highlighted the technical achievements of several partners, including VTT (Finland), VEDECOM (France), Brainstorm (Spain) and EDI.

The EDI demonstration showcased a 5G-based sensor data exchange scenario on the streets near the border of Valga and Valka. This methodology will also be integrated into a connected vehicle platooning system before the project’s completion.

More about the project: www.5g-routes.eu