As of May 1st, 2021, the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (hereinafter – EDI) has started the implementation of the Horizon 2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking project “Automotive Intelligence for/at Connected Shared Mobility” (hereinafter – AI4CSM).
The European Green Deal defines 4 key elements for sustainable mobility and automotive industry, namely: climate neutrality, zero pollution Europe, sustainable transport, and the transition to a circular economy. Digital technologies are a significant enabler for attaining sustainability goals in mobility and transportation. The EC is taking initiatives to ensure that digital technologies such as AI, 5G, IoT, and cloud/edge computing can accelerate the transition of the automotive industry to electrical, autonomous, connected, and shared vehicles. The current COVID-19 situation accelerates this trend. The AI4CSM project will develop advanced electronic components and systems (ECS) and architectures for future mass-market ECAS vehicles. This fuel the digital transformation in the automotive sector to support the mobility trends and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable green and digital economy. Having assembled some of Europe’s best partners from industry, research, and academia, AI4CSM will deliver key innovations in technical areas including sensor fusion and perception platforms; efficient propulsion and energy modules; advanced connectivity for cooperative mobility applications; vehicle/edge/cloud computing integration concepts; new digital platforms for efficient and federated computing; and intelligent components based on trustworthy AI techniques and methods. ECAS vehicles enabled by embedded intelligence and functional integration for future mobility become the pivotal factor for the automotive sector to address the Green Deal principles. AI4CSM consists of 8 collaborative R&D clusters, gathering 41 partners from 10 countries. AI4CSM will reinforce user acceptance and affordability by convenience and services for the major transition to diverse mobility. AI4CSM addresses the increasing demand for mobility, supporting future traffic concepts and strengthen the European automotive manufacturing base as a global industry leader.
EDI Deputy Director for Development and Leading Researcher Dr. Kaspars Ozols emphasizes: “It is critical for the European Union to maintain and strengthen its leading role in the automotive industry. To do that, new technologies must be further developed, not only to improve the efficiency and performance of the various components and systems as well as the overall experience of a car user but also to move closer to Europe’s strategic goals of zero fatalities, zero emissions, etc. Besides, the creation of such technologies requires constant investment in research and innovation, therefore, it is a real pleasure that EDI, together with industry leaders such as Infineon, Mercedes Benz, NXP, TTTAUTO, AVL, etc., has launched the AI4CSM project with great ambition to make a significant contribution to Europe’s strategic goals.”
In AI4CSM project, EDI will research and develop a custom HW for AI-based near field, high resolution 360- degree perception system, where the special focus will be paid on efficient component integration, communication, interfaces, etc. In addition, EDI will perform research and development of AI algorithms for the detection and classification of different surrounding objects with high accuracy, and implementation of developed algorithms in Infineon Aurix PPU. For more information on the AI4CSM project, please contact Dr. Kaspars Ozols (+371 67558161, kaspars.ozols@edi.lv).