On 20th of June, the EDI International Advisory Board met in Riga.
During the Council meeting, EDI Director Modris Greitāns presented the EDI activities in year 2022, after which EDI Senior Researcher Atis Elsts informed the audience about the process of implementing the recommendations given at the previous Council meeting.
Participants were briefed, among other things, on the implementation of the EDI development strategy and key performance indicators.
At this meeting the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science has received very valuable recommendations.
In addition to EDI representatives, the meeting was attended by Dace Kārkle (Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis), Minna Lanz (Tampere Technical University), Jānis Paiders (Ministry of Education and Science), Anna Ryabokon (TTTech), Thiemo Voigt (Uppsala University).
Thank you to all participants!