D. Justs, R. Novickis, K. Ozols, M. Greitans. Bird’s-eye view image acquisition from simulated scenes using geometric inverse perspective mapping. Proceedings of the Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, 2020.

Bibtex citation:
author = {D. Justs and R. Novickis and K. Ozols and M. Greitans},
title = {Bird’s-eye view image acquisition from simulated scenes using geometric inverse perspective mapping},
journal = {Proceedings of the Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference},
year = {2020}

Abstract: echnology advancement, major investments, and mainstream interest have reignited the prospect of autonomous driving, nevertheless, the achievement of reliable perception is still an active research topic. This article examines a technique for simplifying path planning and control algorithms by reducing spacial dimensions to two, i.e. by acquiring a Bird's-Eye View (BEV) image. This article aspires to facilitate novel perception fusion approaches by specifying a geometric approach for inverse perspective mapping (IPM), construction of composite BEV of the vehicle, giving suggestions for implementation and proposing a coherent, BEV-based approach for perception fusion. The proposed geometric IPM approach for BEV image acquisition is suited for simulated environments with limited knowledge of the camera's intrinsic parameters. © 2020 IEEE.

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9277042

Full text: Bird's-eye view image acquisition from simulated scenes using geometric inverse perspective mapping

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