European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”. 1.2.1. specific support goal “To increase Investments of Private Sector in R&D” ; measure “Support for Improvement of Technology Transfer System” Project “Car-Fi – fail-aware, fail-safe, fail-operational V2X communication technology” Nr. KC-PI-2020/60
Agreement with Investment and Development Agency about participating in Technology Transfer measure Nr. KC-L-2017/14
The commercially available cars with V2X technology arrived just recently and use DSRC technology based on 802.11p PHY level. Although, this technology was already available for a decade, there are still pitfalls. For example, particular studies on 802.11p based DSRC are showing that there are certain limitations, mainly due to the essence of CSMA/CA used in Logical Link Control, this particular approach could drastically decrease QoS when communication is required by large amount of vehicles. This would be the most common scenario for urban mobility which is determined by the high density of vehicles. This is primarily connected to the technology scalability and robustness and the ability to ensure affordable QoS at the certain level of deployment which is challenging therefore there is opportunity for research.
Considering previous statements, it is important to emphasize that communication system in vehicular applications should ensure fail-tolerant principles to tackle scalability issues and degradation of QoS depending on physical aspects of RF signal propagation in urban environments, such as signal fading, and possible “jamming”.
To tackle these issues, we propose Car-Fi – fault – tolerant ITS “modem” device that allows to ensure fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational principles. Car-FI means “Car Fidelity”, by analogy of Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity such that it will provide trusty V2X and reliable services what are enabled by:
• Fail – awareness – system should indicate whenever there is fault in the system.
• Fail – safety – system should not cause any scenarios harming any humans.
• Fail – operationality – system has ability to continue operating in case of failure.
Total financing of project: up to 27 777.00 EUR, included ERDF financing up to 25 000.00 EUR.