“Development of a robotic weed management equipment (RONIN)”
Agreement with “Eiropas Savienības Lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai” (ELFLA) No. 18-00-A01612-000024
Scientific manager: Dr.sc.comp. Kaspars Sudars
Project objective: Within the project it is planned to develop a weed management equipment that would be able to autonomously move on a field and identify weeds and crops, as well as a high-power laser or precisely positioned mechanical tool is going to be used, to destroy the weed or considerably hinder its further growth.
The project is implemented by Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in cooperation with Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
Duration: 24 month from 01.01.2019 till 31.12.2020
Planned cost: 472 500 EUR