Battery-powered wearable devices equipped with motion sensors and other sensors (heart rate, ECG, EMG) serve as the key enabling technology for smart healthcare applications. Our research in wearable technologies includes ECG, EEG, EMG signal-based interfaces (e.g. headband for alternative mouse-pointer control), shape sensing fabric used for posture monitoring in rehabilitation or as a motion tracking device for telemedicine and training purposes (projects EEA/Norway Grants HIPPAC, contract research TeleMed), a sensor-based knee rehabilitation device or for prosthetics control. One of the main objectives of research in wearables is to increase the battery lifetime of the devices. To this end, EDI is developing machine-learning frameworks and energy-efficient network protocols (FEATURE project).
Research in RS and UWB radar systems has applications in remote monitoring of breathing (projects ESIF UPIRS, SRP SOPHIS GUDPils), while image processing has been used in multispectral imaging-based classification of skin lesions (project ESIF InBiT).