Such Event Timer (ET) was especially needed for a first laser ranging of the moon – the natural satellite of the Earth because the time-of-flight for ranging of the retroreflectors at the moon is in the range from 2.42 s up to 2.71 s. In case of using the time counters the laser ranging repetition period should be about 3 s or frequency about 0.35 Hz. The ET allows to increase the laser ranging of the moon up to kHz and higher.
EDI research in the area of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology in 1990 – 2000th has led to innovative DSP-based technology for the high-precision event timing.
The DSP-based approach developed under the leadership Yury Artyukh not only provides for excellent performance characteristics of ETs but it also leads to almost full replacement of the highly specialized hardware by typical DSP facilities, reducing the hardware implementation cost. An attractive price-performance ratio has made these instruments quite competitive as compared to the other instruments similar in functionality and quality. The last most advanced model A033-ET for terrestrial application provides the sub-millimetre accuracy and up to 20 million events registration rate. A033-ET became widely used around the world in KHz Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to provide a millimetre ranging accuracy and about half of all SLR stations in the world have this ET.
Such timer was successfully developed and carefully tested within a space environment simulation by EDI. The verification results are highly appreciated by ESA and they have proposed to participate in a number of space missions using the developed event timer for LIDAR systems and for altimetry in space-ship equipment.
Executing research projects and contracts related with the development of high precision and high performance ET for different applications the EDI has developed the family of compact ETs and each of these ETs is carefully tested. ET has an experience in creating of application specific timing systems and in testing with sub-picosecond accuracy.
Besides the experience and self-developed methodology in testing EDI also has all necessary equipment for testing purposes including self-developed high stability test generators, different arbitrary frequencies generators, high performance oscilloscopes, optical table with necessary components for laser pulse generation, splitting, reflection and receiving, wide range temperature and humidity chamber and vibration system.
- Yu. Artyukh, E. Boole, V. Vedin. Instrumentation for Creating KHz SLR Timing Systems. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, Australia, October 16-20, 2006.
- Ю.Артюх, В.Беспалько, Е.Буль. Ошибки нелинейности прецизионного таймирования событий. //Автоматика и вычислительная техника, № 4, 2008, с. 37-45. (English edition: Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole. Non-linearity errors of high-precision event timing // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2008, pp. 191-196).
- Yu.Artyukh, V.Bespal’ko, E.Boole, V.Vedin. “Advances of High-precision Riga Event Timers”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009, vol.2. pp.398-403.
- Yu.Artyukh, E.Boole. Jitter Measurement on the Basis of High-precision Event Timer, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2011, No.3, pp.453-460.
- V.Vedin. “Advanced Design of DSP-based High Precision Event Timer”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”, Kaunas: Technologija,, 2009, No.6(94), pp.35-38.
- BILINSKIS, I.; BOOLE, E.; SKAGERIS, A. 2015. Data acquisition and transmission based on application of high performance Event Timers. “1-st International IEEE Conference on Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications 2015", pp. c1-c14. (Book with ISBN number will be issued by RTU Publishing House in 2015)
- Boole E., Buraks I., Vershinin A., Spunde R. Extension of event timer A033-ET family “20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging October 9-14, 2016
- Signal Transmission and Representation Based on High Performance Event Timing
- I.Mednieks, I.Bilinskis, E.Boole “Specific Signal Representation for Transmission and Processing based on Precise Event Timing”, 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC2018), Oct 8, 2018 - Oct 10, 2018 Tallinn, Estonia
- Yu. Artyukh, V.Bespalko, A.Rybakov, V.Vedin. Advanced time interval counter & analyzer based on EET-method application. - Proceedings of the 1999 International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Application, August 11-14, 1999, Loen, Norway, pp.194-197.
- Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespalko, K. Lapushka, A. Rybakov. PMT signals caused range-bias correction at the SLR Station Riga-1884. 12th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Matera, Italy, 13-17 November 2000.
- Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole. Statistical Approach to Linearity Evaluation of High-precision Event Timers. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2006, Nr. 4(68), p. 73-76.
- V.Bespal’ko. “A Nanosecond Pulse Amplitude-to-Time Interval Converter”, “Instruments and Experimental Techniques”, 2009, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp.204–206.
- V.A. Bespalko, E.S. Bul. An Estimate of the Jitter of Test Generator Usig Time-Measuring Apparatus. Measurement Techniques, Vol.54, No 6, 2011.
- V. Bespal'ko, E. Boole, and J. Savarovskiy. An Instability Estimation of Precision Time Intervals. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2012, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 377-382.
- V. A. Bespal’ko and A. S. Rybakov, “Correlation Method for Estimation of Event Timing Precision”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” – AC&CS, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol.47, Number 1, 2013, pp. 38-47. В.А. Беспалько и А.С. Рыбаков, „Корреляционный метод оценки точности таймирования событий”, ”Автоматика и вычислительная техника” – АВТ, Выпуск No. 1, 2013 (Vol. 47) с. 53-65.
- V. A. Bespal’ko, E. S. Boole, A. S. Rybakov. The use of the correlation method in evaluating the accuracy characteristics of precision instruments // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2013, Volume 47, № 5, pp 276-282.
- MEZERINS, A., BESPALKO, V., 2015. Estimation of Analog-to-time and Time-to-digital Conversion Efficiency in Analog Optical Communication System Testbed. Proc. of Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications 2015 (RTUWO'), Riga, November 5, 6, pp. b1-b4.
- Modernization of Event Timer RTS 2006. V.Bespal’ko, K. Salmins, I. Buraks 21st International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, Australia, November 04-09, 2018
- LR patents LV 15284 “NOTIKUMA TAIMERIS AR SISTEMĀTISKĀS TAIMĒŠANAS KĻŪDAS STABILIZĀCIJU”. Izgudrotāji: V. Bespalko, J. Buls, I.Buraks, V. Vedins. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, publicēts LR Patentu valdes oficiālā vēstnesī, No 11, 2017, ir spēkā no 21.09.2017
- Bespalko V., Boole E., Buraks I., Vershinin A., Spunde R. The event timer A033-ET family for SLR automation “2017 ILRS Technical Workshop, October 2 – 5 in Riga, Latvia”
- A. Rybakov. Multiple-scale analysis of signals in the analysis of the precision of computerized event timers. // Automatic Control and Computer sciences, 1999. Vol. 33, No.6, p.19-26.
- A. Rybakov. Wavelet decomposition and fractal analysis for joint measurements of lidar signal delay and amplitude. // Automatic Control and Computer sciences, 2001. Vol. 35, No.3, p.11-19.
- A. Ribakov „Compression Functions Used in the Algorithms for the Estimation of Signal Arrival Time under High-Precision Event Timing” “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” Vol.46, Number 6, 2012 , Allerton Press, Inc. pp. 288-298. A.Рыбаков. „Использование сжимающих функций в алгоритмах оценивания времени прихода сигналов при прецизионном таймировании событий”. - ”Автоматика и вычислительная техника” - АВТ, Выпуск No.6, 2012, с.69-82.
- RYBAKOV, A.S., 2014. Sampling and recovery of angle-modulated signals on the basis of the compressed sensing and event timing techniques. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 48(3), pp. 167-179.
- RYBAKOV, A.S., VEDIN, V., 2015. Signal processing in a precision event timer with interpolation based on phase measurement. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp. 177-188 (2015).
- K.Ozols, M.Greitans, R.Shavelis. "Amplitude Adaptive Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator", 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), Trieste, Italy, September 4-6, 2013 Conference Proceedings pp.460-464
- A. S. Rybakov. Demodulation of Frequency-Modulated Signals by Pseudorandomly Selected Zero-Crossing Instants. // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2018, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 77–88.
- A. S. Rybakov. Sampling and Estimating the Waveform of Analog Signals Based on Precision Event Timing. // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2019, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 107–115.