Technology for high-precision time-amplitude analysis of event flow (TIME AMP)
Contract no.

The aim of the project is to develop a technology for time-amplitude analysis of event flows with high time measurement resolution, high nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement resolution and high measurement parameter stability, as well as to study the applications of this technology in satellite laser ranging and optical communication line testing and monitoring.

The project is implemented by the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in cooperation with the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia and AFFOC Solution Ltd.

The project envisages achieving a high resolution of the results of measuring the time characteristics of event flows, thanks to the simultaneous recording of the moment of the event and the amplitude of the event pulse. This allows the realization of precise time binding as a combination of leading edge discrimination and amplitude correction of results, which results in timing accuracy of approx. 5ps RMS. The solution is based on the extension of EDI event timing technology with nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement, correlation between constant threshold discriminator output signal delay and pulse amplitude determination, and accurate imitation of sensor signals using arbitrary signal generators. It is planned to develop methods for testing the resolution of picosecond time binding using general purpose hardware.



Work on the development of the nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement system has been started. Approaches to implementation of pulse amplitude measurement node have been determined.  Schematic of the high-speed pulse peak detector has been developed and validated in a simulation.

Development of event timer parameter stabilization methods has been started.  Schematic for improved stability current source has been developed and validated in a simulation. Integration of the developed current source into an event timer has been planned out.

Updating of the event timing node firmware has been started.

Development of the technical specification of the event timing and amplitude measurement systems in accordance with the partners needs has been started – working signal parameters and measurement process have been defined.


The implementation of project task’s is ongoing.

An experimental mock-up of nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement has been produced based on the high speed pulse detector schematics proposed earlier in this project.

In laboratory conditions, the event-timer parameter stabilization and nanosecond pulse amplitude measurement approaches are tested in accordance with the requirements of project partners.


Work has begun on the development of amplitude measurement systems – a system level block diagram has been developed, and the development of an electrical schematic has started. Work has begun on the development of an event timer with parameter stabilization – electrical schematics have been developed, and the development of a printed circuit board has started. Components for the implementation of amplitude measurement system and event timer with parameter stabilization have been selected.


Work is continuing on the development of an amplitude measurement system — an electrical schematic has been developed. Work is also continuing on the event timer with parameter stabilization – a novel stabilization algorithm is implemented in VHDL code and the device is prepared for experiments. We have also started to prepare a publication on peak detector implementation methods, and a mathematical model of the detector.


An analysis of the types of implementation of the peak detector was carried out, the topology of the peak detector was selected for application in the amplitude measurement system and a corresponding mathematical model was developed. This work was submitted for a publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

The prototype hardware of the amplitude measurement system has been developed. The printed circuit boards are in production. Firmware development has begun.

An event timer prototype hardware has been developed, which includes several methods of parameter stabilization. The printed circuit boards are in production.

A method has been developed for the stabilization of the random error of event time measurements, which is based on determining the need for calibration by monitoring the time-to-digital conversion node. A draft patent application has been written for the method. A new approach has been developed for the compensation of event time measurement data in their post-processing process, experiments are carried out on existing event timer prototypes to verify the applicability of this approach. A scientific report on the application of a peak detector for measuring the amplitude of nanosecond pulses is being worked on.

Amplitude measurement device, developed in the project


The TIME AMP project is demonstrated in the European Night of Science at the EDI.


The project has completed the assembly and testing of the amplitude measurement unit for pulse signals. An evaluation of its measurement error is being carrier out. The improved event timer with the parameter stabilization functionality also has been completely assembled and tested. Its measurement error was experimentally verified and compared with the previous model.

The new timer with parameter stabilization functionality, developed in the project

Work has begun on the development of the combined time-amplitude measurement device, with work ongoing on the schematic of the device.

Last but not least, the project has submitted a patent on the improved parameter stabilization method, for consideration in the Patent Board of Latvia.

ETAM – Event Time and Amplitude Meter

ETAM. Front side.

ETAM.  Back side.

ETAM.  Inside view.



 Janis Braunfelds, Sandis . Spolitis, Lilita Gegere, Dmitrijs Pikulins, Vsevolods Stepanovs and Andis Supe.  “Polarization optical time-domain reflectometer for monitoring of fiber optical lines“. IEEE Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications 2022. (MTTW’22). 5.10. -7.10.2022.

K.Salmins, J. Kauliņs, A. Elsts, A. Ancans, V. Stepanovs, A. Kalinovskis. “Preliminary results of the new Event Timer with the IECS technologies”. 22 ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON LASER RANGING 7.11-11.11.2022. Guadalajara (Spain), hosted by the Observatory of Yebes (IGN/CNIG) and the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS).

A.Kalinovskis, V. Stepanovs, A. Ancāns, D. Laksis, A. Elsts. “Technology for High-Precision Measurement of Time-of-Arrival and Amplitude of Events”. Astronomy section, at the 81th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. March 16, 2023.

A.Kalinovskis, V. Stepanovs, A. Ancāns, Dans Laksis, Atis Elsts, “Event Time and Amplitude Meter: High-Precision Measurement Device Based on Enhanced Event Timing Principles”5th Anniversary International Conference of NSP FOTONIKA-LV “Quantum sciences, Space sciences and Technologies – PHOTONICS RIGA 2023” on 20–21 April 2023.



V.Aristov and A. Ancans “Transient Phenomena Analysis of Peak Detector for Nanosecond Pulse Amplitude Measurement.” Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (AC&CS), volume 56, pages 587–594, (2022).

J.Braunfelds, S. Spolitis, L. Gegere, D. Pikulins, V. Stepanovs, A. Supe, “Polarization optical time-domain reflectometer for monitoring of fiber optical lines” Konferences rakstu krājumā Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications 2022 (MTTW’22).

A. Kalinovskis, V. Stepanovs, A. Ancāns, Dans Laksis, Atis Elsts, “Event Time and Amplitude Meter: HighPrecision Measurement Device Based on Enhanced Event Timing Principles” The 5th Anniversary International Conference of NSP FOTONIKA-LV Quantum sciences, Space sciences and Technologies –PHOTONICS RIGA 2023 20–21 April 2023, Riga, Presentation Abstracts.


Patenta pieteikums Nr. LVP2022000093 “NOTIKUMU TAIMERA INTERPOLATORA RECIZITĀTES STABILIZĀCIJAS METODE”. Izgudrotāji: Vsevolods STEPANOVS,Vladimirs BESPAĻKO, Aleksandrs KALINOVSKIS, Armands ANCĀNS. Iesniegts 25.11.2022.g. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, atbilst Patentu likuma 34. panta pirmās daļas nosacījumiem. Saskaņā ar Patentu likuma 35. panta pirmo daļu patenta pieteikums tiks publicēts 20.06.2024.g.

Reģistrēts patents Nr. 15854 “NOTIKUMU TAIMERA INTERPOLATORA RECIZITĀTES STABILIZĀCIJAS METODE”, Izgudrotaji  Vsevolods STEPANOVS,Vladimirs BESPAĻKO, Aleksandrs KALINOVSKIS, Armands ANCĀNS . Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, publicēts oficiālajā izdevumā 20.06.2024g.

Participating scientists

    Dr. sc. ing. Rolands Šāvelis
    Dr. sc. ing. Rolands Šāvelis


    +371 67558184
    Bc. Vladislavs Medvedevs
    Bc. Vladislavs Medvedevs

    Research assistant

    Mg. math. Tamāra Laimiņa

    Research assistant

    +371 67558202; +371 67558207
    Dr. sc. comp Atis Elsts
    Dr. sc. comp Atis Elsts

    Senior Researcher

    Dr. sc. ing. Armands Ancāns
    Dr. sc. ing. Armands Ancāns


    +371 67558-274